The Professional Science Master’s program in the College of Natural Sciences with specialization in Microscope Imaging Technology (PSM-NS-MIT) is designed to fill a growing need of technically trained individuals with the capability of operating, maintaining and managing microscope core facilities in private companies, or academic/governmental facilities. Within the past decade a large number of advances have been made in high resolution optical microscopy methods with applications in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering, requiring a workforce trained in this imaging technology. Furthermore, the advances in live cell imaging through light and fluorescence microscopy results in extremely large data sets that most microscopists are not trained to analyze and archive. Thus, students in this program will obtain training in aspects of microscope design, operation, maintenance, data acquisition, automation, data storage, and image analysis, as well as in communication and aspects of business management that will allow them to manage a core facility.
This program has been approved for affiliation as a PSM degree by the Commission on Affiliation of PSM Programs.